Saturday 31 October 2009

All Out Of Love

Image Source: D. Sharon Pruitt
I'm going to be thirty weeks pregnant in a couple of weeks. Since this is baby #2, I might not make it to fourty! So that's kind of scary. Lately I get upset thinking about it because my little girl isn't going to be an only child anymore. I remember the transition from childless to being parents of one, and it ends up being really difficult to remember the life you had before. It scares me that just a couple of days after having this baby, I'm going to be struggling to remember what life was like before baby #2. I know that giving my daughter a sibling is going to be a huge blessing in her life, but I can't help but feel just awful about it sometimes because my love is going to be divided between two kids. People say that it just grows to fit the two, and I guess it will, but it's hard to imagine it right now. Ask me in a couple of months.

Tuesday 6 October 2009


Image Source: D. Sharon Pruitt
Life got very busy. I actually started working about a month after my last post when my daugher was six months old. Now I'm expecting baby #2 so I am thinking about things again and wanting a place to express those things, and to bring together all the research I do for this pregnancy.

I reread all my old blog posts (yes, all overwhelming four of them!) and I notice that I will need to do an updated cloth diaper post based on my experiences over the last nearly 18 months with cloth diapering. We are still using them but with a few little changes. Note to self to make that post!

I'm due in January 2010 and am currently about six and a half months pregnant. I'm planning on going the same route as last time, with a few small exceptions. I'm lucky enough to have the same midwife, planning another homebirth and waterbirth as an option. The differences are that this time around I've also hired a Doula and have been seeing a chiropractor for the last two months.

The pregnancy this time around has been fairly difficult, but that's improved a lot since I started seeing the chiropractor. The alignment of my pelvis and spine combined to give me contractions that put me off work and on bedrest for a week at 18 weeks. Very painful and distressing, but it was a relief to find the cause and be able to work on treating it. Now I just have to take it fairly easy and listen carefully to my body so I don't overdo it, or I have pain again.

This time around the morning sickness started earlier at 4-5 weeks and lasted until 19-20 weeks! I just keep reminding myself that it's worth it in the end, but incredibly difficult while you're going through it.
It's hard to find the time to do the reading I did during the last pregnancy. I have about three hours at home every day where I'm actually awake, and those hours are taken up with evening routines, making dinner, spending time with my daughter, trying to catch up on housework and chores, watching tv. It goes by very quickly. I still don't know how working mother's do it all, and I've been one for well over a year!