Sunday 19 December 2010

Working Mother

My maternity leave is up and I am headed back to work tomorrow.

Realistically I may not be able to keep up with posting as often as I have been. A few months ago I tried writing every day, which takes some effort but is achievable. I think the more realistic goal for me at this time is about three times a week. As a blog reader I find that it is easier to keep up with a blog that is updated about that often and not every single day, but then again I read way too many blogs to keep on top of them all!

Writing is something I find great enjoyment in, it’s a wonderful way to express myself. Sometimes it feels silly to call it creative when I’m not physically making something, but I find that this is creative expression for me. I want to reassure you that writing here is a priority to me, although of course my family takes higher priority.

I am not stopping. I will continue to bring you my widely varied content and hopefully it’ll be a smooth adjustment for all of us!

If I could ask for a little feedback, what are the topics you are most interested in continuing to read about here?

Thank you so much for reading Journey Mum!

Image source: Rhys Alton
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