Wednesday 12 January 2011

I Hate You and Your Perfect House

I have a confession to make. When I come across a blog of someone who lives in a beautiful huge perfect house, I cant read it. It doesn't matter how nice the person might be, or how unique their content, I cant read it because I am overwhelmed with envy and bitterness and I can no longer appreciate how good I've got it. Yeah that's right, I hate you and our perfect house.

I try to remember that every person, no matter their circumstances, has some difficult trial and burden of their own to bear. But then the petulant 'But why can't I have that?!' whine starts up in my head.

My rational mind knows that it comes at a cost; a large mortgage, working extra hours to pay for it, struggling to make ends meet for the sake of seeming to be keeping up with the Joneses. But-but-but... I want it!

We are bombarded with offers to buy now - pay later, it is really hard to resist. It's hard to be appreciative of what you have. It's hard not to think, I'll just put it on the card and worry about it later. It's even hard to truly differentiate between what you want versus what you need. We've been tricked in to getting the two rather mixed up.

So what's a girl to do? Appreciate the current time and season of ones life. Appreciate the haves and disregard the have-nots. Remember the goal of simplifying our lives; while still spending a little time daydreaming about that 'maybe someday' dream house...

Image source: ellie
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