Thursday 6 January 2011

New Years Resolution for 2011

I recently shared with you that I have committed to confidence for the New Year, but the truth is that my real New Years Resolution is to lose weight. Oh, I know, that is so terribly cliché, but it really is what I'm going with!

Last year seemed to be all about facing my anxiety and depression, and while those two things are definitely ongoing issues in my life, I now know how to deal with them. This year, I need to deal with the weight.

Why? I have some serious motivators:

My health. Fortunately I've never had weight-related health issues but in the long-term it definitely could become an issue. Better to get it off now.

My daughters. I need to be a good example for them, to have the knowledge and ability to teach them a healthy diet and lifestyle, and I want to lose the weight before my girls are old enough to realise that I am overweight.

My self-confidence. I berate and judge myself harshly because of weight. I let it hold me back from doing many things. It's a huge drain on my self-confidence. I feel that my weight is the initial impression that anyone has of me, and that's just not fair. I do not want to go on being ashamed of my appearance for the rest of my life.

What I am doing about it? Check it out!

I bought a pedometer watch to track my activity and aim for 10,000+ steps a day.

I signed up for a three month membership at a gym in the building where I work. (Yes, I can renew it!)

I also signed up for the two month Pounds Off challenge that the gym is running.

I signed up for a three month online challenge called The Biggest Blogging Loser.

I’ve been working out for three days now, so I’m still not quite over the intimidation factor. Most of the people at the gym are either already in shape, or have a small amount of weight to lose. I feel anxiety over being larger than the rest of them, but at least if anyone does happen to look my way with judgment they can see that I am in the right place – at the gym, working out!

I also understand that everyone is there for their own reasons. Whether it's just to get or stay fit, or to lose ten pounds, I get that we are all on our own journeys. Mine is just a really really... really long journey!

Going forward these are my short-term goals:

Work out at least 4 days a week at the gym

Lose 5lbs+ a month

Get down to a size 18 pant (yikes!)

I have to say... I know that number is huge to most people, but I haven't been in a size 18 bottom since I was 18. The biggest excitement about that number is that I will be able to shop for my bottoms at Ricki's, which is my favorite clothing store and where I buy the majority of my tops. I think I will probably burst with pride on the day I can walk out of Ricki's with a size 18 pair of pants. That day will be soon!

It is very easy to become overwhelmed by the amount of weight that I have to lose, so I will just try and focus on small numbers and one little goal at a time. My goal is to lose at least five pounds a month. That feels extremely slow going to me, but if I am consistent with that pace than by January of next year I would be sixty pounds lighter, and that's a significant number. I certainly hope for more.

I'd like to share with you my current number, but I'm just not there yet. It's pretty silly because I know you all know that I'm overweight, it's very easy to tell, but it's one thing to see it and it's another to know the dreaded number!!! Regardless I want to be able to share my weightloss journey here because it will help me, keep me accountable, and maybe it'll inspire someone else out there too.

So how about it? Did anyone else set a New Years Resolution?

Image source: artsyville on Etsy
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