Wednesday, 27 April 2011

The Uphill Battle

I’ve been stuck for about a month now. Plenty of reasons, I don’t care to make excuses. I’m persevering, still plugging away at the gym despite feeling deeply discouraged. There are changes, I saw a picture of myself yesterday that was taken this past weekend, and I was shocked by my appearance in a positive way. Even as I stood there smiling for the camera, I was aware of the way my clothes were sitting, even pulling at my shirt hem in between shots. Apparently there was nothing to worry about, so that’s reassuring. I looked good.

I spoke with the dietician at my gym last week and will be getting a little extra guidance from her going forward. I really do believe that food may be the greater issue. I can deal with the required exercise, but staying on track with my eating is much more difficult.

We discussed my use of the phrase 'lack of willpower'. She was adamantly against it, saying that willpower has nothing to do with it; it's all about the circumstances in which you live in, what foods you have in your environment. I don't mind being given that excuse, that if it's there, you'll eat it, willpower be damned. It's just a matter of having good-for-you alternatives available when the mood strikes. Right? We will see.

Even though my flabby arms are an unavoidable side-effect of getting thinner, I am getting some muscle tone which is kind of neat. I really enjoy the weight machines, but I don't think I’ll be going muscle crazy any time soon (unless it gets rid of the dreaded flabby arms, hmmm!).

I still struggle with my judgemental side. I find myself glaring at thin and fat people alike, thin people because it infuriates me that they are at the gym, and fat people for a multitude of reasons. It's as if their appearance reflects on mine, the idea that if they are fat they must be lazy, ill-educated, unintelligent. It bothers me that I think this way about other people, it pains me to think that others might think that way about me.

On the positive side of things, I’ve managed to mostly silence my inner critic; I can quickly shut down harsh criticism and instead treat myself with kindness. It’s nice to not be constantly followed around by that bully any more.

It’s easy to look at the amount of time that has passed (four whole months) and be discouraged that I’m not as far along as I thought I would be at this point. But there are significant changes. I’m much stronger than I used to be, I find some things easy that used to be very difficult. I’ve dropped two clothes sizes. That is quite significant.

The only real deadlines I have are self-imposed, and I’m learning that I need to be more flexible, and more forgiving.
Image source: Aldo Cauchi Savona

Monday, 25 April 2011

30 Day Clutter Bootcamp

I often write about my struggle to maintain a balance between being a working mother and the things I want to do for myself. One of the bigger things I've been struggling to find the time for is continuing to declutter my home.

I've been reading an e-book called 30 Day Clutter Bootcamp. Tanja Hoagland of Minimalist Packrat wrote the 106 page e-book with the premise that if you can find 30 minutes a day to dedicate to decluttering, you can get rid of a lot of stuff, really quickly.

Along with continuing to write on my usual subjects, I'm going to dedicate myself to the bootcamp and share every step of my journey with you right here. You can just read along or you could also purchase the 30 Day Clutter Bootcamp e-book and read and work your way through it with me.

I want you to know that I wouldn't be sharing this book if I wasn't taking a lot from it. If you are hesitant to buy an e-book and wonder if you would take anything from it, it is good to know that the book comes with a 100% money back guarantee. I'm not asking for my money back!

I'm looking forward to sharing this with you!

Monday, 18 April 2011

Success, Defined

Words I strive to live by. :)

Image source: workisnotajob.

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Devastatingly Yours, Mum

My three year old has started calling me Mum. It breaks my heart, I wanted to stay Mummy for much much longer.

Motherhood is devastating. It is a love that can not be accurately described in words. A fierce love and determination to protect, that for these little people, everything will be ok so long as it is in your power to make it so.

It isn't really in your power, but what can you do?

I remember the wrenching feeling when Freya was a few weeks old and something happened to her, causing a moment of panic and fear that she was hurt. That was the moment that I realised I did in fact love her, I cared about what happened to her and I wanted her to be safe.

My love for my second little one has been a long complex process. I had ongoing bleeding through the first and second trimester, always on the edge thinking I would lose her. It put a wedge between us that took a long time to overcome. In the final days of the pregnancy my fears weighed heavily on my mind. How could I love two children? How could I give them both the love and attention they deserved?

My doula reassured me that despite all my fears, my baby already knew that I loved her.

Now I am out of the house from 8am until 6pm most days of the week, missing big chunks of their lives. Some days when I come home I barely recognise my 'baby' who has turned in to a little girl. Then she still cries when I insist on getting changed out of my work clothes before nursing her, and more often than not she will fall asleep in my arms a few minutes later. Sometimes I envy that sense of security.

Meanwhile Desana pretends to be a baby, laying in my arms and saying 'agoo', the first memorable baby word Freya frequently said. Insisting that she is a baby, it seems to be her way of demanding snuggle time with me. Which is why while it may not be good parenting, some nights I let her fall asleep snuggling up to my side on the couch, as she tries to spend as much time with me as possible.

Whether it's Mum or Mummy, I'll be there for them as long as I can be.

Image source: Nina Matthews

Monday, 11 April 2011

Here Comes The Sun

It was nice to walk outside at the end of my work day today and see the sun shining. The wind still has a bit of a chill to it, but it is so nice to see the blue sky and feel the warm sun. I can already feel my mood being elevated by the nicer weather.

As it warms up I'm looking forward to:

  • Sitting on the front porch and reading a good book
  • BBQ dinners with the amazing scent that lingers throughout the house
  • Going to the zoo with the kids
  • Having a romantic picnic (one day my husband will catch on!)
  • Playing outside with the kids
Maybe we'll even celebrate 'Christmas in July' so I can get my summer Aussie Christmas fix! :)

What are you looking forward to doing this summer?

Image source: The Wheatfield by Katie Daisy

Saturday, 9 April 2011

DIY Faux Fireplaces

Once upon a time I shared with you this stunning DIY shabby chic faux fireplace that Janet of The Decorating Diaries made. That little blog post has consistently drawn a lot of readers to it, so I was inspired to do a little bit more digging and compile more DIY faux fireplaces to share with you. I have included links to the original blogs, many of which include information on how you can make one yourself! Enjoy!

I grew up in a home with a functioning fireplace. My parents put a large addition on to the back of the house and my Mum really wanted another fireplace, I think, just for the look. So she bought a tiled fireplace and put it in place, adding a wooden shelf above for a mantle. Of course it wasn't functioning, but it was pretty. I hadn't even thought of it in years until I started putting this together. :)

I am very much drawn to both the shabby chic and beach cottage looks. The above obviously leans more towards beach cottage. Isn't it lovely? It's actually in the master bedroom. I think I would just sit and stare and sigh at it all the time! I love the added touch of putting an additional shelf at the bottom to have a ledge for decorative items.

This faux fire place is just a perfect picture. I love the shades of blue that the cherry blossum twigs on the mantle contrast with so beautifully. I greatly admire people who seem to have the ability to bring different objects together to display and make it work. I don't think I quite have that ability!

Believe it or not here's another faux fireplace. What looks like a fire is actually strings of decorative lights! It sure makes for a wonderfully romantic atmosphere..

Again with the incredible mantle piece arrangement! How does one learn how to put things together like that?! I love the sturdy look of this fireplace, how the grey pearl wall contrasts against the fireplace, and the wall-mounted numbers for the clock are so unique.

The boards of this faux fireplace are wonderfully rustic, yet still have that beach cottage feel without being painted white. Of course the ocean painting on the mantle definitely helps add to the feeling!

While neither shabby or beach, this grey fireplace is definitely faux. I love the use of two surfaces for decorative items, and anything that includes the use of mason jars is divine. The splashes of pink and orange are a modern twist.

This one just blows me away. Not only is it a great example of what you can do with a faux fireplace... look at the gorgeous arrangement on the mantlepiece. Oh, and did you notice that the middle is chalkboard paint?

Who said a faux fireplace can't have a fire?!

The use of the chalkboard paint offers up a world of possibilities, what a great use of blank space. With another example of blue mason-type jars on a mantle piece; they work so well with the white.

Are you now eyeing the walls of your home, wondering if perhaps you could put in a faux fireplace? It wasn't something I was thinking about before, but now? I'm loving the romanticism. :)

Monday, 4 April 2011

Be, Do, Have, Happiness

"Often people attempt to live their lives backwards: they try to have more things or more money, in order to do more of what they want, so they will be happier.
The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then, do what you need to do, in order to have what you want."

- Margaret Young
Image source: Mat Tyrrell

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Why and How I'm Kicking the Clutter

Last week I introduced you to the 30 Day Clutter Bootcamp. The author, Tanja, says that most of us just dive in head first when we decide to cut back on the clutter, then quickly get overwhelmed. Hmm, that sounds rather familiar! It’s important to really get to the root of why you want to do this, what it is you want from the experience, what you want from your life. Once you know what is motivating you, what your intentions are, it makes the journey a little easier. That's why Day 1 of Bootcamp is The Master Plan.

In my words, here are some of the master plan questions, and my answers:

Why do you want to make this change?
  • I don’t like mess, it depresses and overwhelms me and wrecks havoc with my anxiety.
  • I don’t like not being able to find things when I need them.
  • I don’t like spending my free time tidying up only to have to do it all again the next evening or weekend.
  • I don’t like holding on to unused items that could be useful to someone else.
  • I believe that eliminating the unnecessary opens the way to abundance.
What is your current clutter reality; what’s bothering you the most?
  • The front entrance way. It's a very small area that gets used as a dumping ground for things that are on their way out of the house (donations, borrowed items), and things as we come in to the house (coats, shoes, bags, etc.)
  • Study desk. Dumping ground for bills, mail, flyers, to-do items, etc.
  • Kitchen counters. Another dumping ground for items that don't have homes, and dirty dishes that never seem to go away.
  • Laundry/Back Door Area. Major dumping area for toys, laundry, recycling and garbage. Also has Matt’s tools and our pantry. Disaster that keeps on coming back no matter how many times I try to eliminate it!
  • Basement. Major dumping ground for everything I’ll get to later (you know, that day that will never come). The biggest area to tackle but also the lowest priority as it is out of sight and not a day-to-day hassle.
Am I the only one seeing a common theme here? Dumping ground, hmm....

Imagine the way you want your house to be.
  • Open and airy, inviting. Everything I need is readily at hand, easily found. I love everything that I own. My home is warm and welcoming, relaxing, soothing, it even smells great! Comfortable and comforting.
  • Less about how it looks (ie, décor) than how it feels and makes me feel.
I can make it happen by doing the following!:
  • Dedicate 30 minutes a day to decluttering; easy to find by cutting back on tv or internet time.
  • Keep only what you use or love.
  • Reduce belongings by at least 30%, or; keep two, toss one.
  • Top priority - work from the front of the house to the back.
  • Address the areas that are the most used or most frustrating on a regular basis.
The Bootcamp takes you through your home by categories, not rooms. As in you sort through all of your CDs at once, or all of your shoes. However I'm not going to restrict myself to doing only what she suggests for specific days, if inspiration strikes, I'm going for it.

For instance tonight I went through my jewellery and reduced my necklaces by 50%, and my earrings and misc. jewellery by roughly 30%. It was actually easy because I was in the right mindset to do it. If you're not ready to let go of something, it's not going to happen. When I first sorted through my books I thought I had donated everything that I could. When I went through them again after a significant amount of time had passed, I emptied entire bookshelves!

What area of your house would you most like to get under control? If your home is already the home of your dreams, do you have any helpful tips to share? I could certainly use some!
Image source: Joel Penner
If you want to work through the 30 Day Clutter Bootcamp e-book with me you can purchase it by clicking on the link. I only recommend things that I believe in, plus, it comes with a 100% money back guarantee if you aren't happy with the purchase. No risk there!