Friday 12 March 2010

Potty Training

Image source: Manish Bansal
Trying out the potty training again. Desana has been showing signs of readiness for a long while, but first I was heavily pregnant, and then with the newborn. I wanted to wait a few more weeks but at this point she's spending more time taking off her diapers than not. So I spent this afternoon and this evening working on it. I sat her on her potty and read her two potty books to her, and she peed on the potty. Had one poop in panties accident that was my fault because I saw her acting the way she usually does and I asked her if she needed the potty, but she got very upset so I let it go. I should have taken her in and sat her on the potty. So she had to have a bath after that one and I had to scrub the carpet... Two more wet panties where I found her sitting on the potty with panties off but she hadn't gotten there in time, or realised after she wet herself that she was supposed to go on the potty. And finally she pooped in the potty with barely any effort at all! My big concern now is how closely do I have to follow her all the time to make sure she doesn't put her hands in the poop in the potty, and to help her clean up afterwards. I guess we'll see.

Today was so freaking hard I had moments of considering going back to work, as soon as next week! Then I remember I'd still have the newborn at home who would want to nurse at night and I don't feel so keen. I am just soooo burnt out. There's only so many times in a day you can have both kids screaming and crying at the same time without going nuts. I'm getting there!
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