Tuesday 9 March 2010

Letting Go

Image source: .faramarz
Today is one of those rough days where I keep having to tell myself not to freak out. Nurse nurse nurse nurse nurse. No real babyfree time so I can't accomplish much. I chat with my Mum online and she asked if the dishes were done, laundry done, dinner figured out. I said yes to all those things so no reason to worry. It's just the MESS gets to me. I've been keeping the living area and kitchen up to a certain standard, that is easy to maintain now. But on days like today the mess creeps forward, the toys encroach and my blood pressure rises. I have to let go of the perfectionism (Hi Flylady) and just prioritise. All that really matters right now is giving my baby what she needs to grow and hoping everyone else survives in the meantime.
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