Monday 22 November 2010

Back to Blogging

It might not be December 21st, but as far as Winnipeg is concerned I think it's safe to say that Winter is here.

I don't mind the start of winter, every fresh snow fall is beautiful as it looks so white and soft and fluffy. It's once the wind sets in and I actually have to be outside in it that I begin to question my choice almost 7 years ago to move to such a cold and snowy place.

The positive part is that I'm enjoying more frequent cups of hot chocolate and snuggling under blankets.

I'm also really excited to be back to blogging! The blog move was a little complicated and I had a few moments of panic but everything should be up and running again now. The biggest difference that you will probably notice as a reader is the new comment system, so please feel to leave a comment and test it out! If you come across any problems please let me know.

The other big change around here is that we decided to go ahead with our bathroom remodel, so the house has been in upheaval for going on two weeks now. I'll be sharing some before and during pictures with you soon, the after is still awhile away.

Stay warm!
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