Tuesday 16 November 2010

Blogging Milestone - 100 posts

Image Source: D. Sharon Pruitt

Here we are at my 100th blog post. This blog has gone through a lot of changes since I first started writing it, as have I. From 4 posts in 2008, to 3 in 2009, and this post will make 93 for 2010 so far, it took awhile for things to get going but my blog is one of favorite things now.

When I started out I had no idea that I would be blogging about the things I write about now. I still don't consider myself to be any kind of authority on decorating, or decluttering, or motherhood. What I am is an ordinary woman going through my every day, learning as I go.

My blog really began to pick up steam when I started looking at my days differently. Instead of the rinse and repeat of caring for the girls, struggling to get on top of the mess, failing to find time to do what I wanted to do for me, I slowly pulled out the moments of brightness and pleasure from inside of all of that monotony. Then a wonderful thing happened. The more I focused on those moments, the more I experienced them. My life transformed from feeling like it was groundhog day every day, to a life I actively participated and found enjoyment in.

One of the things that initially held me back from blogging was my fear of what the people who know me in the offline world would think of what I had to say. Looking back, that was a pretty silly fear. So far I haven't received a negative remark, in fact I am always surprised when people tell me how much they enjoy and look forward to reading my blog. Surprised and very pleased!

I'm not saying my life is perfect. In many ways it's not. I still have dark moments every single day where I wonder how I am going to get through some struggle or anxiety in my life. But I also have a greater respect for the blessings and abundance in my life.

To celebrate reaching 100 posts I thought we'd take a look back at the five posts that attracted the most views from you, my readers.

I'm so pleased with how far I've come and I'm excited to see where I will be when I get to my 200th post. Thank you for continuing to read (and hopefully enjoy) everything I share here.
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