Sunday 7 November 2010

Living in the moment

There are times in my life when I long to be a child again. To be blissfully unaware of the complications of adult life, of the responsibilities. There are times when I long for someone to tuck me in to bed as snug as a bug in a rug and to be able to fall quickly and peacefully asleep without a worry in the world.

It is so hard to recapture that feeling as an adult.

Some might call it delusional, but for the past month I have been trying, for the most part successfully, to just live in the moment and let tomorrow take care of itself. Worrying is an almost lifelong habit that is incredibly hard to shake. What a useless habit! All that worrying does is blow everything out of proportion and make you think of the worst case scenario for any given situation. Is that any way to live?

Instead I am occasionally choosing to ignore the undone dishes and enjoy the weight of my sleeping baby in my arms. For a few short years she gets to enjoy that feeling of safety and comfort, and I get to enjoy being the center of her world. I love her goofy little smile when she rolls over in her sleep and opens her eyes just long enough to see that I'm still there. Meanwhile my first baby girl is quite grown up and independent now, but still comes running to have me kiss her 'owwies' better.

It won't always be that way.
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