Wednesday 13 January 2010

Two Years Old

Image Source: D. Sharon Pruitt

My little girl is two years old now. What an interesting and challenging age! She has started biting her fingernails which I can only guess is a habit she has noticed that her Daddy has as I broke that one when I was 12. Then again, maybe it's genetic and she got it from me anyway! Tantrums are happening whenever she doesn't get her way and over the simplest of things. Being naked is a preference at this point. I can usually get her to keep her diaper on but if you try to put clothes on her you have to deal with screaming, crying and kicking and she'll rip the clothes off as soon as you let go of her. Not at all worth it, and at this point since I'm 9 months pregnant, it's pretty much physically impossible for me to wrestle with her over clothes.

Plus side is she knows I adore her and that I love hearing her say Mummy, even when it's 'Mummy Mummy Mummy' because she wants something. It's just too cute. The snuggles are spectacular, as are the kisses. She's a big fan of my baking as well, which is very flattering. :)

I'm still very sad that she won't be my baby for much longer. I'm sad that I'm going to struggle to remember what it was like when there were just the three of us. But I'm hopeful that our lives will be that much more enriched for having the second baby.
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