Tuesday 24 August 2010

The Bee

Image source: wwarby

This morning I was going about my usual little routine of making the bed then folding and putting away the clothes in my bedroom, while Freya played in the playpen at the end of the bed, and Desana ran around making her usual chaos. Then I heard a buzzing noise. I looked at the window figuring it was a fly, saw a big bee which then, of course, flew towards me and landed on the bed. Commence me going 'umm, errrr, arrgghhh' (and a few questionable words that thankfully Desana has yet to repeat) trying to figure out something to catch it with. I grabbed one of Matt's socks, decided that wouldn't work. The bee crawled all the way across the bed and up a shirt that was draped over the edge of the laundry basket. Then it took off!

Desana and I both squealed and docked and dodged, then I did the unthinkable and abandoned my child, crawled across the bed at the other side of the room and ran to the kitchen to grab a paper towel. I peeked around the corner and saw the bee come flying out of the bedroom and land on the hallway floor. I grabbed a glass from the cupboard, crept up to the bee and put the glass over it. I spent the next minute trying to find something to cover the glass, rummaging through the recycling bin until I found an appropriately correct sized piece of cardboard. I opened the backdoor in preparation to take the bee outside. Then I wiggled the cardboard slowly under the glass, the bee looked like it was on it's last legs, barely moving. I initially thought it was dead. Once I lifted the covered glass Desana took a close look 'Hi Bee' and waved at it. The bee waved back (no, seriously, it lifted a leg!). As soon as I got outside the house the bee started flying inside the glass. I removed the cardboard and the bee flew away.

Image source: seelenstrurm

What I found remarkable was that this bee went from looking like it was at death's door to full recovery once it saw the great outdoors. Basically, being in the right environment for it, helped it flourished.
Something to think about, are your surroundings helping you flourish? If not, what little steps can you take today to improve that? Move a picture from one room to another, give yourself an extra 15 minutes of time to unwind before bed, step outside and look up at the sky for 2 minutes. My mama always says... A change is as good as a holiday.

Hi Mum. :)
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