Saturday 21 August 2010

Master Bedroom

I finally took a few shots of our master bedroom that I mentioned a few posts back. Of course it'd be nice if it was in 'perfect' condition when I showed you, but flylady says... (yes, I'm going to say 'flylady says' fairly often) that perfect is a bad word. Completely an unrealistic expectation.

Anywhoo, here it is, as is!

We have a king size bed. Forgive me if I've already raved about this stuff before. :) We purchased it the first weekend after I found out I was pregnant with Freya. We were still co-sleeping with Desana at the time and neither of us particularly felt like hugging the edges of the bed for a few more years! It is huge but luckily fits in our bedroom, with room for two night stands.

Here is a close up shot of my beautiful new bedskirt.

No, I do not believe in ironing!

It's an ikea bedskirt that I found on kijiji for $20. It fits queen or king, and I'd only been able to find bedskirts for $60 so I was happy. Matt so does not get why I wanted or like a bedskirt.

Here is a close-up of one of our new lamps, another kijiji find at $40, originally purchased for $160! They are Matt's style, not mine, but the height of the lamps seem to work with the width of the bed and it is amazing how much a difference the matching lamps make in the overall look and feel of the room.

Here's the other side, dancing toddler and all. The playpen is a temporary thing for when it's impossible to put Freya down for naps in the girls shared bedroom for whatever reason. I've also been using it to put her in when I'm doing chores at the back of the house. Particularly those involving the stacked washer/dryer you can see just outside the door.

On the wall next to the door is a canvas painting/quote by Rhonda Kullberg. I will probably eventually frame the frangapani card. We used those cards as thank you notes after we were married in Australia. Frangapani's are my favorite flower. I wanted them in my wedding bouquet but they are very delicate and fade and bruise very easily, so we had frangapani sugar flowers on our cake instead.

My kid does occasionally wear clothes, but in weather like this I can't be bothered fighting her over it.
This is my least favorite part of the room, the bookcase and dresser. I find the bookcase to be visual clutter, and although we are both avid book lovers and readers, I'd rather not have it in our bedroom. But we have a small house and I was sick of having a crowded hallway. The dresser bothers me because of the tight squeeze between the bed, but it is a necessity. Maybe we could get a tall narrow one!

Here is my little improvised necklace holder. I'd like to have a nice wooden coat hanger at some point, but for now it is a lovely visual by the window. I have a whole different blog post about it planned. Stay tuned. . .

Here's my little pumpkin snuggled in to bed with an age-inappropriate Sookie Stackhouse book. My small purple 'Happiness' pillow next to her is a keepsake from my life back home in Australia. Now that I am living my life in the pursuit of happiness, it seems apt.

Sure looks like a nice place to sleep to me! Now if only I ever had it to myself. :)

Shhh... Sana sleeping.
It's been a long time coming, but it is now my favorite room in the house. Matt installed the laminate floor and we both painted, the closet had a decent shelving system in it when we bought it. The matching curtains for the window and closet were purchased with a giftcard from my mother-in-law. The dresser, bookcase and Matt's bedside table were all hand-me-downs. My bedside table was a kijiji find, as were the lamps ($120 off retail price, wow!). The bedding was my birthday present, and the sheets an ebay debacle.
Our room is almost 'done' (to my standards). We need baseboard, a couple of outlet covers, a few little paint touch-ups and I've decided to put an uppercase living saying up above the bed. Problem is that the bed isn't centered on the wall because of the dresser on the window side that would make it impossible to squeeze between if the bed was centered. I don't know how I'm going to figure that one out. But when I do you can bet I'll show you!
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