Saturday 28 August 2010

A Day In The Sun

Shawna has been an extra good friend to me lately, putting up with HOURS of my company over the past two days since I've been battling a bit of depression rearing it's oh-so-lovely head. Today it was so hot out we decided to take advantage of the dwindling summer (I suppose technically it's autumn out now, but our trees and temperature haven't really clued in yet... SHH!) and Shawna set up the kids pool in her backyard. It was fun! I am fairly certain Desana could have stayed in there all darn afternoon if we let her. Splashing away, perpetually drinking the pool water (just like she does with the bath water, dirt and bubbles and all - eeeyuk!).

I got a few pictures, but I'm going to admit that at this point I am mostly a point and click kind of picture taker. I have a fabulous camera that I bought secondhand from one of my lovely online friends - Zaira (check out her blog too!), I just need to dedicate myself to learning how to use it to it's full potential. Trust me, the longer I blog the pictures I include are going to improve. Ummm... you can remind me of that when they don't. ;)

Ok Mum, I'll give you a little smirk...

We got all packed up and waited outside, car seats and all for Shawna to come and pick us up. Desana was all ready to go in her swimsuit, hat and flip-flops. Man she is a cutie and a terror that one.

The reason why I apologised in advance for my picture taking lack of abilities is that the brightness factor on these pictures is INSANE. I'm going to fiddle with them in photoshop a tiny bit before I stick them in here, but aarrrrggghhh.

BFFs Bryna and Desana

I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but these little girls wouldn't look up when we asked them to, or if they did it wasn't co-ordinated! But you can see they are having lovely fun splashing in the pool with all the toys.

Freya with Auntie Shawna <3
Freya was being a bit of a grump and wouldn't smile for the camera.
Yours truly with the littlest grumpy munchkin
Not a fan of having my picture taken, but whatever. Here I am.

Bryna ended up needing her nap so I snapped some pictures of Desana and around the yard while Shawna was inside putting her down.

Delicious pool water
I know all parents think their kids are beautiful, but boy oh boy...

Isn't she just?
Unlike yours truly, Shawna actually had a genuine flower growing in her garden!

THREE genuine flowers!
I'm not sure what exactly they are, roses maybe? Beautiful no matter what they are called.
Though in one dark corner I did see a familiar face...

The much debated - but are they weeds or flowers?! Hah! I'm not the only one who has them. But it's ok Shawna, I won't tell anyone... except for all my blog readers...

We had a lovely day chatting away, and thanks to a suggestion Shawna gave me about perhaps just putting Freya down to sleep on the couch next to me instead of attempting to put her in the crib all the time, I've actually been able to write this post in one sitting. With two typing hands. Yikes! I could get used to this.

P.S. I also should add that Shawna gave me a gorgeous white wooden ikea coat hanger, so I've moved all my necklaces over to that and will be subjecting you to one or more photos of my necklaces, YET AGAIN, sooner or later. Thank you dear friend!
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