Tuesday 31 August 2010

Where I Blog

Most of the blogs I read I have been introduced to by my Mum, or found them through a blog she has shown me. Mum is like my own personal shopper - for blogs. So one way or another she probably introduced Centsational Girl to me. I saw her invitation to a Where Do You Blog? party and figured why not join in? I've actually never participated in any kind of group blog event so this is a first.

At this point I have to say thank you to Shawna for being braver than me and fiddling with my camera settings yesterday. Whatever you did, the pictures are certainly looking better and brighter with colors more true to life!

I wish I had somewhere incredibly gorgeous to show you but it's pretty basic.

I spend probably, and this is no exaggeration, 90% of my time while on the computer with one kid or the other climbing all over me. Freya is still at the age where she is nursing quite frequently, so more often than not I'm snuggled in to my corner of the couch, babe in one arm and blogging or browsing with the other. I am literally doing that right now.

Back before I had a toddler who figured out how to climb over the back of the couch or pull down baby gates, the desk in the background was mine. Now it's basically storage only. I keep handy the things I need most often, the external hard drive for my laptop is hooked up most of the time, usually the camera sits next to it when unused and the pile of stuff I'm working on or need to look at is behind that. Right now there is the magazine I'm currently going through and cutting stuff out of for my illustrated discovery journal, a blank but beautifully illustrated notebook, a cookbook filled with lots of Australian recipes that I haven't had in over 6 years now, a hand written recipe and household advice book by my great grandmother, and a little box of old jewelry that I am going to get my Mum to tell me the story of each piece. Several of those items will end up being the subject of blog posts.

The reason this place works best for me is that it is comfortable, where the kids play most of the time, where the tv is so I can monitor what Desana watches or watch something with Matt. It just helps me to not feel isolated or stuck while nursing.

Someday I hope to have this kind of table that you can find the plans for over at Ana-White.com

A few weeks ago I saw this advertised on kijiji for over $400 used. The seller said they bought it for over $800.

Image source: Pottery barn - Bedford project table set
On Ana's site she has it listed under the $20-$50 price range and said she based it on a table that was priced at almost $1200. Someone commented saying they spent about $130 making theirs. Either way, that is no where near retail price!

So why don't you wander over to Centsational Girl's blog party and check out some of the literally hundreds of different blogger's places. If you've wandered over here from there, say hi and I hope you stick around awhile!
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