Thursday 23 September 2010

DIY Dry Erase Glass

A couple of weeks ago Winnipeg had the twice yearly giveaway weekend when you put all the stuff you want to give away for free out on the boulevard and people can come by and take what they like. I put tons of stuff out! While I was searching in the deep dark corners of the basement I came across a sheet of glass that I believe used to cover a fishtank canopy. I held on to it because although I didn't have a use for it at the time, I knew that I could do something with it. It didn't take long for me to figure what that something was.

Matt recently bought a set of giant toolboxes and he's keeping them in the corner just outside our bedroom door. Yeah, let's not even go there today! On one of the walls in the corner the previous owners left behind a wavy ikea mirror. With the toolbox being there you can barely see it anymore so it's kind of redundant. But I realised the four screws and plastic holders that held the mirror to wall would be perfect to hang the sheet of glass in the bathroom, and turn it in to a dry-erase message board.

I figured above the toilet would be a good place to put it, firstly to replace the shelf that used to be there, and secondly since it is a room that gets used multiple times a day it'd be a fun place to leave messages, quotes or reminders.

In typical Amy style I made a bit of a mess hanging it up but I'm ok with not being perfect! There used to be a hanging shelf there but it fell and broke one day when I was dusting it. There were two big holes in the wall, and not knowing where the proper stuff was to fill the holes, I improvised with diaper cream! I know, that's pretty out there.

Perfect for leaving inappropriate messages for your significant other.

Or super lame messages....

Or maybe just a little something sweet.

To get a more finished look I could put some pretty paper backing behind the glass. Also discover how to alter my handwriting at the advanced age of 26. Some things to consider for another day!

What have you re-purposed in your home lately?

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