Tuesday 14 September 2010

How to be Happy (when you are not)

Living with depression (for me) is like permanently suffering from PMS. When things go wrong my emotions can spiral wildly out of control. I am in a place now where I can recognise this. I put myself in 'time out' and spend a few minutes acknowledging the feelings, then grounding myself. Things are never as bad as they seem, once you put things in perspective.

These points are all personal to me, but perhaps you can find some way to relate them to your life.

1. My maternity leave is up in three months. I have three more months at home with my beautiful girls. Three months is a very long time. Imagine if someone told you they were going on vacation to a beautiful island for three months. Three months!

2. I have a job waiting for me to go back to after my maternity leave is up.I have a job when many people do not. A job that I do well, and am paid well for doing. I am paid well, when many people are not.

3. I am overweight. I have more than enough food in my house to maintain and gain weight (should I chose to).

4. My clothes are falling off me. My clothes are falling off me! That means I've lost a significant amount of weight.

5. Sometimes I feel really smothered by the 'clutter' in my house and I just can't stand it. I have been blessed with enough money to buy things I no longer need or have room for, and with friends and family who think of me. In turn, I can bless others with these things.

So you see, even though there are a whole lot of things I could feel unhappy about (you better believe there are more than 5), if I think about it, maybe the things that are troubling me are really blessings in disguise.

I am not a naturally optimistic person (although I married one), and I have a tendency to think of the worse case scenario for any given situation. I am however a work in progress. Life is a whole lot more enjoyable when you chose to see the things you've got going for you.

It turns out life is pretty damn short... and I'd rather it be sweet.

(image: Sterlic)
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