Wednesday 29 September 2010

Design Dilemma: Dining Room

Brace yourself, this isn't pretty. We moved in to this place in July 2004, that's - count 'em -
1 2 3 4 5 6 whole years ago.

Unfortunately it's not a joke, the now shot really is the most cringe worthy of the two. Then is how the previous owners had the dining room set-up for viewing when the place was for sale. It was obvious the area was small as they angled the table to comfortably fit four chairs, but until you're actually living in and using a space you just don't get it.

If you think you can bare it (just remember, it's my house, not yours! you can close your browser and it all goes away) here's some more of the gruesomeness.

We've made a whole lot of nadda worth of improvements to this particular little area of the house. Well, we removed the yucky fake plastic baseboard the previous owners installed, that stuff came unglued when the vacuum cleaner bumped in to it, and now our toddler is gradually dismantling it in the rest of the house. I literally gave birth to Desana in this little area of the house, then about a week later Matt built, assembled and placed his fishtank stand (which almost three years later he has yet to complete...). Frankly, I think because Desana was exposed to the sound of power tools at work as a newborn that is the reason why she can sleep through anything, whereas Freya wakes up when the cat meows, or I step away from the crib. But I digress...

It's bad people. It's real bad. Orange is right at the top of my list of least favorite colors (that's a rather short list too). Chocolate brown was the main color in the living area when we first moved in, but as I think I've mentioned previously, after living with it for so many years I'm over it. This little corner has escaped my paint brush for now.

The fish tank(s). One the one hand I support my husband in having a hobby (fish keeping... fish keepery? fishery? fish husbandry?!), but on the other, I'm a homemaker and this monstrousity just ain't doing it for me. If it was complete maybe I could get over it, but it takes up probably about 1/4 of the space in the area, and it's ugly. Worse than that, it's fugly.

As for the furniture, well, the reality is we have different requirements than the previous owners had. They were married without kids, whereas we have two. Kids come with certain needs such as somewhere to sit to eat. That means a high chair. We've never had an abundance of money so our dining room 'set' is a hand-me-down table from Matt's cousin, and I'm fairly sure the three chairs (did we ever have a fourth? where'd it go?!) are hand-me-downs from Matt's old church.

There is but one redeeming feature to this little area, and that is the gorgeous framed picture of the Bogey Hole in my hometown of Newcastle. We swam there in the days leading up to our wedding, and afterwards, and when my Mum and her partner flew over to visit us before Desana was born, Mum brought the picture with her.

I have a great lack of pictures of home in my house, but this is a lovely one.

Ok, so there you have it. It's terrible, and I need your help. Please comment and share any thoughts or suggestions you might have for me, and I'll follow up with some things I have in mind... and maybe even implement some of what you suggest.

Help me dear reader, you're my only hope! ;)
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