Wednesday 15 September 2010

Happiness, in a corner

The master bedroom is the one room in the house that I put most of my effort in to keeping tidy (if not clean). Since it is where we retreat to at the end of the day, I believe it should be a retreat! I'm also trying to be more aware of my needs and looking after me. Having that room to retreat to is very important.

Changes continue to be ongoing! Because we have the king size bed the room is a tiny bit crowded. I mentioned before that we had the long dresser on Matt's side of the bed, and how a tall dresser would be nice. While I was playing around with reorganising the girls room I came to the startling realisation that we had a tall dresser already! So I moved our long dresser in to the girls room, and their tall one in to ours.

The dresser is a hand-me-down and needs a little TLC, but it works. Moving it in to the room also spurred me on to two other little projects that I'd been procrastinating. The second Uppercase Living quote and the earring organiser.

"Happiness is a journey", being both the theme behind this blog and the words I like to remember as I go about my day I thought it was only appropriate that it be one of the first things I see in the morning, and the last thing at night.

You might get the idea that I like purple. You would be correct! The earring organiser is another little present from my Mum. She has one on her gorgeous dressing table in Australia. I won't even tell you how long it took me to figure out how to put the earring holder and its stand together. It's too humiliating.

I've never been to the house my Mum is currently living in, as she and her partner moved after I had relocated to Canada. I always think of them as living in the last house that I saw them at. Recently Mum had her partner take pictures of EVERYTHING, so now I have a better idea of where she is when I'm talking with her. My Grandmother is literally the only close family member who hasn't moved since I left the country. It makes me sad that everyone else has because I like to be able to visualise where everyone is. I'm glad I know where my Nan is!

Mum lives in a rented house but she's really made it hers with all the furnishings and decorations. She has such beautiful things. She told me it's because she's SO OLD. Pfffft. I'm on a quest to get her blogging too because I think she has a lot to contribute in terms of her design aesthetic, the things she likes and enjoys, her life perspective... we shall see. I'm sure based on the picture above that some of my readers might like to see more. Should she write a guest post? Anyone?

Back to me!

I consulted with Matt over whether to put the quote here or by the door, and this was his recommendation. Happily he says it looks good! I do feel a little sorry for him with all the girly stuff about. Maybe he should start wearing necklaces? Then again, maybe not. :)

Speaking of necklaces, here's one last thing for you. You might remember this post, Artful necklace display. After my friend Shawna read it she cracked open a brand new package of beautiful Ikea coathangers, and she gave me one!

My necklaces now look even more lovely.

You might think from all my posts about jewelry that I am really really into it. I am actually not at all. I'm a fairly clumsy person by nature and find it very easy to break jewelry. Fact is that most of the stuff I've posted about used to be hidden away in boxes in the cupboard under the bathroom sink. But I think that everything is so pretty, it's nice to have it out on display. It adds a little brightness to my day (especially since I don't have any flowers around!) and I think I will appreciate the splashes of color that much more once we are hit with the fabulous never-ending winter that's coming our way.

Oh Canada, indeed.
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