Monday 20 September 2010

Something New: Fashion Tees

Wednesday night was girls night out with my best friend Shawna. She was heading out of town first thing the next morning but chose to spend her evening hanging out with me instead of worrying about packing - aw! We hit up the local mall (a world of excitement! - no, not really) and spent some time browsing, and a little bit of time buying. 

My favorite clothing store Ricki's just opened up a new store called Ricki's - Revolution. The concept behind it is that the Revolution store has more casual clothing while Ricki's is geared more towards business wear. I'm quite familiar with the clothing that Ricki's carries, and frankly I didn't really see that much of a difference between the stock in the two stores, except perhaps Revolution's options were slightly more trendy. 

 Since I'm on maternity leave right now I'm more focused on casual wear than business war. Ricki's has what I think is a great range of Fashion Tees. I think plain tees are just a bit boring, so I love their tees with prints on them! I imagine in a few years they might be considered so this decade, but I love them for now! 

They were selling them for $18.50 each or two for $29.50 (plus taxes - so roughly $33). I already know my Ricki's size so with Shawna's opinion on what color to purchase, I picked up a purple tee, of course, and a red tee.

What I love about them is that they are just a bit more interesting than plain tees. Also I love their fit, they are figure flattering without being too tight.

My commitment at the start of summer to not buy new bottoms until I hit a certain magic number still stands. As a result my jeans are incredibly baggy, but I'm sticking with it. Also, headless pictures because I snapped them not long after waking up and my face is not presentable!

 So there you have it, that's my something new. Since I'm not really in the position to be buying lots of things new right now I might not always have a new item to show you so much as a new habit. We shall see. 

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