Tuesday 21 September 2010

Wherefore art thou, alone time?

I need more time to myself. People often ask mother's about their kids sleeping habits. People are always pretty astonished when I tell them my kids, in general, don't nap. Sure Freya does but because of Desana running around I can't put her down in their room, so she usually naps in my arms or on the couch next to me. Desana only naps if she's incredibly tired, but we're working on the concept of quiet time. 

I'm the kind of mother that will put up with the kids destroying a room out of sight, for a few minutes to myself. That kind of patience is not necessarily a good trait.

Freya is napping at the other end of the couch, secured by a big ol' pillow with a blanket over her. Suspicious noises are coming from the girls room where Desana is. I guess this is as close as it gets to peaceful.

So, Autumn is here. I was feeling pretty grumpy about it but now I guess I'm starting to embrace it. Across the street there is a large tree that is doing the whole autumn colors and falling leaves thing. It's neat to look at. It puts me in the mood for hot chocolate and snuggling under a blanket. I've also decided that I will most definitely be making pumpkin soup this year, regardless of Matt's not liking the texture (pffft). Yes, I will be sure to share both pictures and recipe when I make the soup. :)

Five minutes of alone time, then Desana came out naked and covered in you-know-what, and Freya heard her and woke up with a wail and 'Mama!'. Such is life. :)

Oh, you know another fabulous thing you can do in the fall or winter? Make apple cider using the epicure spices! It makes your house smell so wonderful. Though sometimes I sprinkle a little cinnamon in to a pot and set the water to boiling for a few minutes to replicate the smell. 

Did you see the ball in the tree? I don't think it's coming down until the tree does.

When I was up last night between 4:30am-5:30am nursing kiddo #2 I was doing some browsing and came across this:

I had been thinking of doing something with post-its since I found a downloadable photoshop brush, but as seems to often be the case these days, no original ideas here! It seems like most of the people who link up for 'PINT' write their whole posts in post-it style. Not my style. Post its are for LISTS people! Or things you jot down quickly or for reference. Anyhow, here's my post it, in my style.

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